价格 | 76542.00元 |
品牌 | 中汇机械 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 山东中汇机械有限公司 |
钻孔直径Borehole diameter 50-500mm 钻孔长度Borehole length 0-200m 钻杆drill pipe ?50mm*2m 钻机钻杆回拖力Drill pipe pullback force of drilling rig 16T 整机尺寸Overall size 3600*1400*1800mm 发动机engine 潍柴4102 发动机功率Engine power 55kw 履带材质Track material 工程橡胶Engineering rubber 整机重量Machine weight 2.3T 油泵Oil pump 三联泵Triple pump 施工操作方式Construction operation mode 液压操作杆Hydraulic operating lever 行走操作方式Walking operation mode 遥控remote control 夹持器Gripper 四油缸Four cylinder 液压油散热器Hydraulic oil radiator 强风a fierce wind 液压油箱、燃油箱Hydraulic oil tank, fuel tank 各一个One each 动力头Power head 液压马达减速机Hydraulic motor reducer 泥浆泵mud pump 三缸(清水或污水都行)Three cylinders (clean water or sewage) 桅杆mast 可变幅(单油缸)Variable amplitude (single cylinder) 整机施工稳定支架Whole machine construction stability support 后车(单油缸支架)Rear vehicle (single cylinder support) 导向仪Guiding instrument 型号model 探霸T6 探测深度Detection depth 5-15m 频率切换系统Frequency switching 两个Twosystem 随车配件:?50mm*100米钻杆、导向钻头两个、回拖扩孔器两个、回拖分动器一套、地锚两个Accompanying accessories: ? 50mm * 100m drill pipe, two guide drills, two back dragging reamers, a set of back dragging transfer gears and two ground anchors
联系人 | 郭纯啸 |