价格 | 面议 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 海宁赫尔普生新型材料有限公司 |
凉感整理剂 HOLPOSON? ICEMAN COOL HOLPOSON?ICEMAN COOL也叫酷冰侠?是一款专门针对纺织品开发的凉感功能整理剂,是由我公司的东华大学博士团队开发的以木糖醇,赤糖醇,丝蛋白为主的接触吸湿凉感整理剂。适合用于天丝,冰丝,棉,涤纶等各种纤维的后整理。其作用原理:凉感整理剂HOLPOSON? ICEMAN COOL处理在面料表面的木糖醇遇水发生吸热反应,释放凉爽因子从而使接触到凉爽因子的皮肤清凉舒爽,另外其所含有的丝蛋白成分具有良好的保湿功能,清凉保湿双组合使得人们在炎炎的夏日有降温防护的可能。 物化性能 组 成 木糖醇,薄荷,丝蛋白等 外 观 微黄色透明弱粘液体 离子性 非离子 溶解度 溶解于水 PH 值 6~7 使用方法 用量:因被处理物的种类而异,一般为3.0-6.0%(o.w.f) 1、浸轧法 用量: HOLPOSON? 酷冰侠 COOL 40-80g/l 处理方法:二浸二轧,带液率在75%左右,120℃以上烘干定型 2、浸渍法(适用棉、粘胶) 用量:3.0-6.0%(o.w.f) 均匀化料整理液浸渍(20分钟) 脱水(带液量50%左右) 烘干(80℃) 定型(100度,1-2分钟) 产品性能 1.安全性高,对人体安全无毒,对环境无污染; 2.提高织物的凉爽度,迅速有效降低人体表面温度; 3.同时具有一定程度的紫外线屏蔽效果; 4.整理后的纺织品表面温度适宜,令人感到凉爽舒适,且具有优异的耐洗性。 注意事项 产品使用前请确认面料是否处理疏水柔软剂,建议添加亲水性柔软剂,配制好的工作液请于当日内使用。 贮 存 存放在阴凉干燥通风的地方,该产品的贮存期限至少为1年。开封后尽快用完。如果没有用完,请盖紧防止产品受潮或混入异物。 室内存放,避免高温、严寒。 Cooling finishing agent HOLPOSON? ICEMAN COOL HOLPOSON?ICEMAN COOL is a skin-contact moisture absorbing and cool feeling agent developed by our company's Donghua University doctor team, which is mainly composed of xylitol, gibbitol and silk protein. It’s suitable in the finishing of Tencel, ice silk, cotton, polyester and other fibers. Its working principle is as folows: The cool feeling finishing agent leaves xylitol on the surface of the fabric to react with water to absorb heat, which generates coolnesss that refreshes and soothes the skin. In addition, its silk protein content has a good moisturizing function. The combination of cooling and moisturizing makes it possible for people to cool down and protect the skin in hot summer. Usage Dosage: 3.0-6.0% (o.w.f) generally, depending on the type of material to be treated 1. Padding method Dosage: HOLPOSON? Iceman COOL 40-80g/L Treatment method: dip and roll twice, with a liquid rate of about 75% → drying and heat setting above 120 ℃ 2. Impregnation method (applicable to cotton and viscose) Dosage: 3.0-6.0% (o.w.f) Disolve it evenly and impregnate in the finishing solution (20 minutes) → dehydration (about 50% of liquid content) → drying (80 ℃) → heat setting (100℃, 1-2 minutes) Attentions 1. Before using the product, please confirm whether the fabric is treated with hydrophobic softener or not. It is recommended to add hydrophilic softener. 2. The prepared working solution should be used within the same day. Characteristics 1. High safety, safe and non-toxic to the human body, no pollution to the environment; 2. Significantly improve the coolness of the fabric, quickly and effectively reduce the surface temperature of the human body; 3. At the same time, it has a certain degree of UV shielding effect; 4. The surface temperature of the finished textile is suitable, which makes people feel cool and comfortable, and has excellent washing resistance.
联系人 | 戴安娜 |