价格 | 20.00元 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 思科美瑞机械设备北京有限公司 |
整体带芯输送带 骨架受力体为整体带芯,芯体浸渍PVC 糊后,加覆PVC 或PVG 盖 胶形成。成品带具有优异的阻燃、导静电性能;带体轻、拉伸 强度高,整体性能好,带体不脱层、抗冲击、抗撕裂,适用于 煤矿井下易燃场合输送煤炭,亦可用于要求难燃、导静电的电 力、化工、冶金等行业。 Belt load is carried by solid woven carcass,which is impregnated with PVC paste then protected with PVC or PVG covers.Solid woven belt has good fire resistance,anti-static properties It has lightweight, high elongation at break,good adhesion,high impact resistance,and high tear strength.It is suitable for underground coalmines as well as environments where flame resistant properties is required. ○1400/1:表示骨架受力体为整体带芯,纵向拉伸强度1400N/mm 01200: 带体宽度1200mm 02 2:上盖胶和下盖胶厚度分别为2mm 可按照MT914、SANS971、AS4606、BS3289、BC158等标准组织生产。 推荐使用模压PVC带代替普通PVC带,因其更长的使用寿命及更好的机械接 头强度。 技术参照表 Technical Parameters 强度规格 拉伸强度( 小值) 带胚参考厚度 带胚参考重量 盖胶类型及推荐厚度(mm) 参考带体宽度 经向(N/mm) 纬向(N/mm) (模压)PVC PVG 680/1四级 680 265 65 8.5 1.5 1.5 15 1.5 500-2200 800/1五级 800 280 70 90 1.5 15 1.5 1.5 1000/六级 1000 300 80 105 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1250/1七级 250 350 9.5 12.5 20 20 20 15 1400/1八级 1400 350 100 13.0 2.0 20 2.5 15 1600/1九级 1600 400 105 14.0 2.0 20 2.5 1.5
结构特点及用途 Construction Features and
产品种类细分:Product Classifications
According to cover grades,solid woven conveyor belts
o 普 通PVC输送带
未经过模压,使用环境不低于- 10℃。
o 模 压PVC输送带
上盖胶和下盖胶均为PVC盖 胶 ( 或 改 性PVC盖 胶 ) , 单 面 盖 胶
厚度可达4mm, 此种产品要经过模压,较比非模压的常规PVC带
o PVG输 送 带
输送场合。此种产品为 范围内的优势产品,使用环境不低于-10℃。
o DYNA 输 送 带
can be classified as:
o Standard non-pressed PVC Conveyor Belt
Both top and bottom covers are PVC with gauge less than Q8mm.
not pressed.For use at environmental temperature above-10℃ .
o Pressed PVC Conveyor Belt
Both top and bottom covers are PVC (or special PVC compounds)
with gauge up to 4mm,pressed.It is superior to non-pressed PVC
belt in impact resistance,water soaking,service life,and splice
efficiency.For use at environmental temperature above 10℃ .
o PVG Conveyor Belt
Both top and bottom covers are nitrile rubber.Advantage of steep
gradient (<20°lft angle)conveying made this a niche product for
ContTech(Shandong)worldwide.For use at environmental
temperature above -10℃
DYNA Conveyor Belt
Both top and bottom covers are high abrasion resistant and high
impact resistant rubber.Suitable for aboveground application.For
use at environmental temperature above-15℃ .
产品规格表示 Belt Construction Nomenclature Example
PVC1400/1-1200-2 2
o PVC: 盖胶类型为PVC
Belt Tension Rating
(China Standard)
Tensile Strength (Min)
Carcass Gauge
Carcass Weight
Cover Grade And Recommended
Belt Width
联系人 | 夏雨 |