首页 金属栏杆 梅州桥梁防撞栏 江门河道防撞桥梁护栏

梅州桥梁防撞栏 江门河道防撞桥梁护栏

发布时间 2024-09-07 收藏 分享
价格 25.00
品牌 新意护栏
区域 全国
来源 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司


梅州桥梁防撞栏 江门河道防撞桥梁护栏

Meizhou bridge crash barrier Jiangmen river channel anti collision bridge guardrail


This product adopts galvanized steel column, and the surface of the column is treated by electrostatic spraying.

横管采用不锈钢/碳 钢复合管,是由不锈钢(SUS304),

The horizontal pipe is stainless steel / carbon steel composite pipe, which is made of stainless steel (SUS304),

与优质碳素结构钢(Q195-Q235、SPCC )等双金属。

And high quality carbon structural steel (q195-q235, SPCC) and other bimetallic.

经高科技同步复合焊接而成,产品兼具不锈钢卓越美观的华 丽外表。

By high-tech synchronous composite welding, the product has the gorgeous appearance of stainless steel excellent and beautiful.


Compared with pure stainless steel pipe, the corrosion resistance and structural strength of carbon steel have many outstanding advantages.


The cost is saved and the intensity is increased.

是纯不锈钢管的升级换代产品.真正实 现了装饰与负荷的完美结合。

It is the upgrading product of pure stainless steel pipe. It really realizes the perfect combination of decoration and load.

增城河道景观护栏 花都桥梁栏杆 不锈钢复合管护栏

Zengcheng river landscape guardrail Huadu bridge railing stainless steel composite pipe guardrail

联系人 徐小平
13533348902 824715401
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