价格 | 15.00元 |
品牌 | 买护栏找小平 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司 |
东莞不锈钢复合管防护栏杆 河道护栏价格 Dongguan stainless steel composite pipe guardrail River guardrail price 桥梁护栏相关参数: Relevant parameters of bridge guardrail: 不锈钢碳素钢复合管80*2.5 Stainless steel carbon steel composite pipe 80 * 2.5 不锈钢碳素钢复合管50.8*2.5 Stainless steel carbon steel composite pipe 50.8 * 2.5 不锈钢碳素钢复合管38*2.0 Stainless steel carbon steel composite pipe 38 * 2.0 不锈钢碳素钢复合管31.8*2.0焊成弧形片。 Stainless steel carbon steel composite pipe 31.8 * 2.0 is welded into arc piece. 钢制立柱:1200*120*12 Steel column: 1200 * 120 * 12 护栏高度1200,立柱间距2000 The height of guardrail is 1200 and the spacing between columns is 2000 增城河道景观护栏 花都桥梁栏杆 不锈钢复合管护栏 Zengcheng river landscape guardrail Huadu bridge railing stainless steel composite pipe guardrail
联系人 | 徐小平 |